We have a full-time professionally trained Counsellor who provides timely help and guidance for the students in academic and behavioural issues, if any.
The counsellor meets students in a private and confidential setting to explore the difficulties, disappointments, distress or dissatisfaction that a counsellee is facing and to find a way out of the pressing problems that weigh him/her down. During the process, the counsellor guides the counsellee to see things from a different perspective and helps him/her find the lost meaning, purpose and direction in life. Information shared by the child with the Counsellor will be highly confidential. However, information will be passed on to parents and teachers in situations where the child is in a trauma, when someone is hurting the child or when the child wants to hurt someone, himself/herself.
Parental involvement in initiating and generating behavioural changes in children is very important. We, as a team of parents and professionals, will guide our children to identify their issues, to cope with them and to get over them so that our children will grow up to be true leaders who will live with honour.
Parents can also make use of the services of the School Counsellor, whenever required, after getting permission from the school authorities.
The system of mentoring is introduced as part of the school’s goal to give extra care to the students. Two teachers are allotted as mentors per class. Mentoring is scheduled once a month. Mentors/teachers will be given instructions/guidelines and questionnaires for the students in advance to ensure uniformity in all the classes. During the session, the mentor addresses the students in group and individually.The issues raised by the students in class will be handled by the mentors. Mentors approach the Counsellor only when needed. Mentors keep a record and a feedback report of each mentoring session. Through this programme, we try to instill lasting values in our students. We also sensitize our students about many traps, dangers and deceptions of the modern world.
Health Management
We have a full-time trained nurse to provide all permissible basic health care for the students. The school clinic is fully equipped with all the latest and advanced equipments required to provide the best medical services to the students.
Every effort is made to provide a safe and hygienic environment for the students in the campus. Health awareness classes, campaign against junk food, dental and health checkup, monitoring of nails and personal hygiene etc. are conducted on a regular basis in order to ensure that the children grow up in a healthy environment and continue to have a healthy lifestyle.