Our Vision
“To be a world-class institution that moulds true leaders who will live with honour”
- We are a world-class school where professionals with an ardent desire for continuous improvement and a penchant for perfection join heads and hearts to mould intellectually competent, emotionally mature, spiritually committed, morally upright, socially responsible, talented, confident and honourable leaders in an environment effervescent with enriching learning experiences that meet international standards.
Our Mission
“To nurture a culture of excellence among the students and staff through love, respect and care”
The school will:
- Nurture a culture of aspiration and achievement both in curricular and co-curricular fields among both the staff and the students focusing pro-actively on learning outcomes and maximizing success for all individual
- Utilise the resources for optimal output in order to provide creative, collaborative and challenging classroom experience for pupils, thus making each class memorable.
- Promote inter-active work culture by encouraging mutual esteem, respect, and care among the staff, students and parents.
Objectives of School
- to make ourselves into a top-notch institution, which draws to it those children who are desirous of quality education
- to achieve holistic development of the children entrusted to our care
- to impart the best education for all children, resulting in high achievement levels for all.to inculcate lasting values in children.
- to integrate academic excellence, community spirit, and healthy lifestyle in order to create an environment that inspires a child to learn to his/her fullest ability.
- to guide the child to the world of knowledge through the love of learning, and to motivate active participation in all the activities of the school.
- to mould the school into a community of people consisting of students, parents, teachers and staff whose inspiration is a great love for God, selfless love for one’s neighhour, and a boundless love for learning.