Our Objectives:
The objectives of The Scholars’ International School are:
- to make ourselves into a top-notch institution which draws to it those children who are desirous of quality education.
- to achieve holistic development of the children entrusted to our care.
- to impart the best education with the aim of shaping top achievers.
- to inculcate lasting values in children.
- to tap the parent and community resources for the betterment of the children.
- to integrate academic excellence, community spirit, and healthy lifestyle in order to create an environment that inspires a child to learn to his/her fullest ability.
- to guide the child to the world of knowledge through the love of learning, and to motivate active participation in all activities of the school.
- to mould The Scholars’ International School into a community of people consisting of students, parents, faculty and staff, whose inspiration is a great love for God, selfless love for one’s neighbour, and a boundless love for learning.